︎︎︎Agency: Analogfolk
︎︎︎Role: Creative Concept & Art Direction
We know how busy the holiday season can get, especially when it comes to catching up with loved ones.
So, to mark the launch of Costa's new festive drinks, we're inviting Brits to catch up with friends and family before the big Christmas Day at Costa Coffee, through an exciting social-first campaign.
We started off with a partnership with VFX influencer @BrandonB
whisking people to the magical world of Gingerbread and Nutcracker, Tomorrowland style, in honour of their new drinks.
As part of our hero campaign, the Costa Christmas Catch-Up Roulette, internet personality Joe Baggs challenged the public to spin the wheel and ring up their contacts for a festive catch up at Costa coffee.
︎︎︎Agency: Analogfolk
︎︎︎Role: Creative Concept & Production Assistant
From oweing your friend a tenner at the shop to glasto ticket wars, we wanted to highlight how “Monzo Me” have turned into an everyday verb for Gen Z’s that lives as stackable digital ads.
︎︎︎Agency: Analogfolk
︎︎︎Role: Social Creative, Trend Spotting & Content Editing
Costa Coffee wanted to connect with a new crowd on TikTok — and who better to bring on board than the resident Gen Z creative?
From chugging ice lattes like they're pints to getting drenched in cucumber water, we whipped up trend-driven, super-fresh, product-focused content that's as relatable as it is engaging.
The result? A serious boost to their TikTok - and a lot of coffee stained outfit
From chugging ice lattes like they're pints to getting drenched in cucumber water, we whipped up trend-driven, super-fresh, product-focused content that's as relatable as it is engaging.
The result? A serious boost to their TikTok - and a lot of coffee stained outfit
︎︎︎Agency: Bates CHI & Partners
︎︎︎Role: Creative Concept & Art Direction
To mark the comeback of one of their biggest music festivals.
A Mild came up with Voice of True Progress—
a concept that celebrates everyones freedom in expression and style.

A Mild wanted to draw in a younger crowd for this year’s concert.
With that in mind, we crafted a much more fun and playful brand design, complete with trendy, IG worthy photo spots that encouraged people to snap pics and share them online.

︎Idea Creation ︎Art Direction
︎Copywriting ︎Motion Graphic
To encourage Covid vaccinations, we gave people a taste of what it’s like to lose their sense of taste by taking away one of the world’s most iconic flavour—
Advertising for Good
Young Glory Round 2 - Finalist︎︎︎
Judged by Daval Bhatt, CD at Rethink
The Crowbar Award Silver︎︎︎
Advertising for GoodThe Crowbar Award Silver︎︎︎
Advertising for Health/Wellness